*these are newly available and not yet listed on my website.
Seedlings (see photos on Facebook) 7.00
Anne Welch 6.00

*Apricot Sparkles (Clump) 6.00
Autumn Red (Clump) 5.00
Bertie Ferris 6.00
Bitsy 5.00
Black Eyed Stella 6.00
Bright Sunset 10.00
Condilla 7.00
Double River Wye 7.00
Evelyn Claar 7.00
*Farnsworth Spider 10.00
Final Touch 7.00
*Fooled Me 12.00
Frankie’s Fantasy 8.00
Frans Hals 6.00
Freedom Ring 12.00
Funny Valentine 6.00
Gentle Shepherd 10.00
Gold Spider 12.00
*Grape Magic 6.00
Highland Lord 12.00
Holly Dancer 7.00
Ice Carnival 6.00
Indian Giver 12.00
Itsy Bitsy Spider 5.00
Jo Barbre 8.00
Kindly Light 6.00
Little Business 5.00
Little Fat Dazzler 8.00

Little Missy 7.00
Little Red Warbler 7.00
*Longfield Pearl 6.00
Luxury Lace 6.00
Magic Dawn 7.00
Matt 8.00
May May 5.00
Ming Toy (clump) 6.00
Newberry Frilly Lady 9.00
Pandora’s Box 6.00
Pardon Me 5.00
Platinum Palette Brave Heart 8.00
Puddin 5.00
Pumpkin Moonshine 8.00
Purple De Oro 5.00
Ralph Henry 5.00
Raspberry Pixie 5.00
Red Ribbons 10.00
*Rocket City 9.00

*Ruby Stella 5.00
Ruffled Apricot 12.00
Rustic Dream 8.00
Sammy Russell (clump) 6.00
Siloam Baby Talk 5.00
Siloam Doodlebug 7.00
Siloam June Bug 6.00
So Lovely 10.00
Spindazzle 12.00
Stella De Oro 5.00
Strawberry Candy 7.00
Sultan’s Ruby 7.00
*Summer Flair 5.00
*Trahlyta 9.00
White Temptation 9.00
Wilson Spider 12.00
Acorus Calamus Sweet Flag 4.00
Allium Caeruleum – Azure Onion 4.00
Allium Senescens Glaucum 5.00

Brunnera Macrophylla – Bugloss 5.00
Campanula persicifolia – Peach Leaf Bellflower 5.00
Catmint – Nepeta 4.00
Clematis Virginiana – Virgin’s Bower 6.00
Columbine – Alpine Blue 5.00
Cup Plant – Silphium perfoliatum 7.00
Foxglove 4.00
Geranium – Cranesbill 4.00
Ligularia – Desdemona 7.00
Ligularia – The Rocket 7.00
Lupine polyphyllis 7.00
Phlox – Emerald Blue or white 4.00
Sedum – Angelina 4.00
Sedum – Blue Spruce 4.00
Sedum – Chubby Fingers 4.00
Sedum – Dragon’s Blood 4.00
Strawberry – Lipstick – 6 plants 5.00
Veronica – Royal Blue 6.00
Veronica – New Century 5.00
Viola pubescens eriocarpa – yellow violet (6 pl) 4.00
Vinca Minor – bare root flat 5.00
MDB Orange Tiger 4.00
MDB Navy Doll 4.00
SDB Flower Shower 3.00
SDB Vavoom 4.00
IB Bumble Bee Delight 4.00

IB Eleanor Roosevelt 3.00
IB Honorabile 4.00
TB I Do 4.00
TB Cardinal 4.00
TB Imortality 4.00
TB Neglecta 4.00
TB Queen Catherine 4.00
Siberian old fashioned (clump) 5.00
Siberian Laughing Brook 7.00
Siberian Pink Haze 8.00
Siberian Snow Queen 7.00
Siberian Butter and Sugar 7.00
More different iris most likely available after bloom