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Tag: Tetraploid Page 1 of 6

Daylily Sonic Duck

By Gossard 2006

Sonic Duck is a very tall (39 inch) dormant, tetraploid that has strong scapes to hold up the 8.5 inch, fragrant, pale yellow flowers.  An early mid-season rebloomer it is classified as unusual form with blossoms that are crispate and cascading. It has a bright red eye zone and a wide green throat. On the petals the eye zone is wide and cut by the yellow mid rib, but on the sepals it is a fine line giving the flowers an interesting star like appearance. 4 to 5 way branching with 22 to 38 buds means that this one really puts on a show. It is aptly named as the color is exactly that of a baby duck. Another bonus is foliage that always looks nice. This plant assumes a polymerous form more often than other plants (at least for me), meaning that may have extra sepals of petals.

Parentage: (Shake the Mountains × Rainbow Spangles)



Daylily Remembering Joan

By Schaben – 2001

This violet daylily has a very interesting rose colored eye that has streaks extending outward. The green throat has a white band surrounding it that also has the streaks going through it. There is also a white picotee edge with a slight ruffle. She is 28 inches tall with a 6 inch bloom. This daylily is an evergreen, tetraploid that blooms mid-season. No trouble with hardiness, but she does not grow fast in the north due to being evergreen.

Parentage: (Tupac Amaru × (Angel’s Smile × Secret Splendor))

Awards: HM 2004


Daylily Red Shed Lime Daquiri

By Trester – 2006

Red Shed Lime Daiquiri is one of those flowers that really glows in the moon garden. It is a polychrome that is a very light yellow/pink and cream blend with a bright green throat. It is lightly ruffled with a thin gold edge. This semi-evergreen, tetraploid is 29 inches tall and has 19 buds on 4 branches and blooms mid-season.

Parentage:  Magnificent Affair x Lime Frost


Daylily Rachel’s Tea Party

By Bell-T. – 2001

This adorable little not quite miniature is great at the front of the border and it just blooms and blooms; reblooming even in northern WI. It is 20 inches tall with a 3.5 inch bloom. This evergreen tetraploid has 25 buds on three branches. The color is a bright salmon/rose with a darker hot pink eye above a yellow/green throat.

Parentage:  (Goblin Moon × unknown)



Daylily Seedling Peach Strudle

Unregistered seedling by Grant/Matel – 2010

This is a sturdy 30 inch tall plant with good branching; a dormant tetraploid. The 5 inch flowers are perfectly round and ruffled with orange petals and golden orange sepals and mid ribs.  Seedling number – LGWest#2

Parentage:  Spacecoast firestarter x unknown



Daylily Notify Ground Crew

By C. Hanson – 2000

Notify Ground Crew is the tallest daylily in my garden at 72 inches tall. Even at this height and loaded with blooms the stems are strong and rarely flop. It is a dormant, tetraploid that is fragrant and nocturnal. The 5 inch yellow flowers bloom mid-season and it is fertile. It is a fast grower and is impressive with it’s super tall well branched scapes once it is well established.

Parentage:  Tetrinas Daughter x Tet. Purity



Daylily Music Monkey

By P. & L. Korth – 2007

Music Monkey has a big (7 inch) bright tangerine orange, unusual form, crispate bloom. It twists and curls differently every time and has a ruffled edge and a red eye and a thin red edge over an orange eyezone that is just slightly lighter than the petals. It is a sturdy, 31 inch tall dormant tetraploid with 15 buds on one branch. It is a parent to my other favorite monkey…Pinewood Monkey Business.

Parentage:  Primal Scream x Unending Melody



Daylily Mary Vert

By P & L Korth – 2015

I love this lily, described as lavender, but to my eye it has blue in it for sure. The eye zone is first deep blue violet with another band that is a lighter shade of blue violet and has eyelashes that shoot out. The ruffled edge matches as it is dipped first in the darker shade and then the lighter shade of blue violet. She is a great bloomer with a 21 buds on 4 branches and is a sturdy dormant, tetraploid. The height is 33 inches and the flowers are 5.5 inches.

Parentage:  ((Tet. Lavender Blue Baby x Destined to see) x ( Upon This Rock x Tet. Lavender Blue Baby) x Secret Ambition



Daylily Marque Moon

By Trimmer – 1998

A great one for your moon garden, it really glows with it’s iridescent white body, very ruffled edge dipped in gold, and bright yellow turning green throat. A mid and late season bloomer; it is a dormant, tetraploid that forms a 24 inches tall mound and has a 5.25 inch flower. It is fragrant and is a great bloomer with 40 buds on 4 branches.

Parentage:  Admiral’s Braid x Enchanted April



Daylily Love Is Enough

By Douglas-C. – 2011

This beauty is perfectly round with a sculpted and piecrust ruffled edge. It is an evergreen tetraploid with 16 buds on 3 branches. The height is 27 inches and it is listed as a 5.5 inch bloom but I think the bloom is a bit bigger for me. The color is light sunny yellow over a bright green throat.

Parentage: (Wonder of it All × Yankee Princess)



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