By Gossard 2006

Sonic Duck is a very tall (39 inch) dormant, tetraploid that has strong scapes to hold up the 8.5 inch, fragrant, pale yellow flowers.  An early mid-season rebloomer it is classified as unusual form with blossoms that are crispate and cascading. It has a bright red eye zone and a wide green throat. On the petals the eye zone is wide and cut by the yellow mid rib, but on the sepals it is a fine line giving the flowers an interesting star like appearance. 4 to 5 way branching with 22 to 38 buds means that this one really puts on a show. It is aptly named as the color is exactly that of a baby duck. Another bonus is foliage that always looks nice. This plant assumes a polymerous form more often than other plants (at least for me), meaning that may have extra sepals of petals.

Parentage: (Shake the Mountains × Rainbow Spangles)

