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Tag: SDB

Iris SDB – Vavoom

By Ensminger – 1994

Vavoom is a bitone standard dwarf bearded iris that really stands out from the crowd. It blooms late for a dwarf. It has light yellow standards with a green tinge, bright canary yellow falls and a butter yellow beard.  The standards are ruffled while the falls are smooth. It grows to about 14 inches for me and us a vigorous grower.

Parentage:  (People Pleaser x (seedling)) x seedling


Iris SDB Tanzanite

By Smith 2009

Neither words nor photos can describe the beauty of this little blue violet iris.  He blooms early and can be 11 inches tall but is shorter for me on sandy soil.  He is very ruffled with falls that are held wide.  The blue violet color intensifies around the snow white beards, where a white eyelash pattern is also seen.  A light spicy fragrance is a bonus.


Iris Boo

By Markham – 1971

They don’t come any cuter than Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB) Iris “Boo”.  She doesn’t get any taller than 12 inches.  An amoena, which means that the standards are white and the falls are colored. In this case there is a crescent shaped purple spot on the falls with detailed veining and penciling near the beards, which are yellow. This cutie won the award of merit in 1976. They are early bloomers and you may want to get down close to smell the sweet fragrance.

Parentage:   Elisa Bee X Warburton 72IJ-1: ((Fairy Flax x Blue Denim) x sibling)


Iris Blue Denim

By Warburton – 1958

I just love the color of this historic Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB) Iris. It’s a true sky blue, the ruffled falls and standards are the same color but there is noticeable darker blue veining throughout and a yellow beard for accent.  This Iris pumila is about 12 inches tall and is great for the rock garden or front of the border.

Parentage:  ‘Great Lakes ‘ X ( ‘April Morn’ x unknown)



Iris What Again

By Ensminger – 1990

This little darling has wisteria blue standards and straw colored falls.  Brilliant blue beards complete the package.  Others say that it is supposed to be 8” but it is 6” tops here in Wisconsin.  I thought it was a MDB when I got it. A vigorous grower it won the American Iris Society Award of Merit in 1996.


Iris Flower Shower

By Weiler – 1990

Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB); 8-12 inches tall; zone 3

This blue violet darling has slightly deeper blue violet beards.

Multiplies quickly and has a sweet fragrance.



Iris Alene’s Other Love

By Dean – 1993

This standard dwarf bearded (SDB) iris is very difficult to describe…you really need to look at the picture or better yet see it in person.  It is lavender, cream and tan or straw colored all kind of blended together with very dark purple shooting up from the base.  The sky blue beards top it off with a stunning yet calming result. At 12 plus inches, she is tall for a SDB.  With a wide flat form, the standards form a ball, while the falls don’t fall, they are held straight out to the side.


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