This seedling of Shady Lady was given to me by a friend many years ago. It has a 3.5 inch pale yellow flower that also has pink hews in the right light. It comes with a wine red eyezone that looks like lips over a gold throat. The plant is a mid-season blooming, dormant, diploid that is 34 inches tall.
Red Shed Lime Daiquiri is one of those flowers that really glows in the moon garden. It is a polychrome that is a very light yellow/pink and cream blend with a bright green throat. It is lightly ruffled with a thin gold edge. This semi-evergreen, tetraploid is 29 inches tall and has 19 buds on 4 branches and blooms mid-season.
A great one for your moon garden, it really glows with it’s iridescent white body, very ruffled edge dipped in gold, and bright yellow turning green throat. A mid and late season bloomer; it is a dormant, tetraploid that forms a 24 inches tall mound and has a 5.25 inch flower. It is fragrant and is a great bloomer with 40 buds on 4 branches.
This cute little balloon flower is from a cross made in our own garden between Fairy Snow and standard tall white balloon flower.It is not a stable cross and some seedlings revert to tall white or purple balloon flower. We only ship two or three year old plants for this one to insure that they are dwarfs. These plants are 1 to 2 feet tall and have the classic single balloon opening into a pure white star about 1.5 inches across. They are hardy to zone 3 but be careful not to dig them up by accident as they emerge very late in spring. They bloom in summer and require no special care. They tolerate some drought due to the tap root but will grow faster and flower more in a richer moister soil. Darling for the rock garden or front of the border and loved by pollinators.
This creamy white spider/unusual form daylily twists and turns in all directions because it is both crispate, cascading and spatulate. It is a dormant, diploid that is 27 inches tall with a 7 inch bloom and bud count; 12 buds on 2 branches. It is a mid-season bloomer. The bright green throat draws the eye to it and then the rest of it makes the observer say “wow!” Because they have species H. Citrina in their background they will have characteristics like vigor, fragrance and a nocturnal opening. They will open during the night and then last the whole next day.
ely ruffled cream self with a blended band around the eye that varies from lavender to rose ormagenta and a violet edge. The green throat really stands out next to that blue violet eye. The 5.75 inch flowers are held on 34 inch scapes (32 buds on 6 branches). This dormant, tetraploid is also fragrant.
This lovely statement plant has slender green grass-like leaves that add instant architecture to any garden. It blooms in mid-summer in-between the tall bearded iris and daylilies. Clean white, signals with yellow markings and a basal greenish cast, rose violet veins radiating from a deeper rose area surrounding the signals. Spectacular; also known as Japanese iris, its flowers have a distinctively flattened appearance. Spreads by rhizome; deer resistant and hardy to 0°F. Requires full sun and regular watering while blooming, prefers less water after flowering. Great at the ponds edge or even in standing spring water but does fine in standard garden soil if watered. Registered at 35 inches but will be shorter if dry and taller if very wet.
Parentage:Pink Dimity x 93-18 x (Frilled Enchantment x Midsummer Reverie)
This little darling grows to about 12 inches and will form nice clumps. The white standards have a slight blue tinge with pale light blue falls and a pale blue beard. It won awards in 1983, 1986 and 1989.
Parentage:(Carousel Princess x Gunga Din) x Greenlee GX-11)
Iris Navy Doll is a miniature dwarf bearded iris and just too cute. At only 5 inches tall she has a Ivory self with a large dark navy blue spot on the falls and a creamy yellow beard. Navy Doll is one of the first to bloom.
Parentage:((Fairy Flax x Drop O’ Blue) x (Wee Turque x Sulina))
This miniature daylily has creamy white flowers which blend to a chartreuse eyezone over a green throat with green veining into the petals. The 18 inch tall plant holds many little blooms that appear midseason and are 2.5 inches. Dormant diploid.
Parentage:(Siloam French Doll x (sdlg x Tante Ju))