Catrina's Garden

A place for gardeners, foodies and garden inspired artists.

Sedum Rupestre – Angelina

Sedum Angelina is a drought tolerant, succulent ground cover which is actually from the genus Petrosedum. The chartreuse leaves stay under 6 inches and are evergreen, providing winter interest in areas without snow cover. These do not flower like other sedum and are very tough and hardy here in zone 4. They are not bothered by pests or disease and if you get too much they are easy to remove. Nice in pots too as they will cascade.

These will arrive bare root. You will get a nice bunch of them. As with most sedums they are very easy to propagate. At least some of the ones that you receive will have roots, plant those but also plant any small or long pieces and they will grow. You need to water then until they are established but after that no supplemental care is needed unless you live in the desert.



Bleeding Heart – Dicentra spectabilis- Gold Heart

Bleeding heart has attractive mounded foliage with arching stems of delicate, heart-shaped flowers in spring. It thrives in moist woodland gardens along with ferns and other shade-lovers.  They are deer resistant and this is the old fashioned gold variety favored for cottage gardens that has pink hearts and white teardrops falling from them.  The plant is ephemeral which means that the foliage will die back after they flower and reappear the next spring. The gold variety does maintain its foliage longer than the standard green variety. You may notice seedlings; transplant them to a desired spot. $9.00




Balloon Flower – Dwarf White – Platycodon grandifloras

This cute little balloon flower is from a cross made in our own garden between Fairy Snow and standard tall white balloon flower.  It is not a stable cross and some seedlings revert to tall white or purple balloon flower. We only ship two or three year old plants for this one to insure that they are dwarfs. These plants are 1 to 2 feet tall and have the classic single balloon opening into a pure white star about 1.5 inches across. They are hardy to zone 3 but be careful not to dig them up by accident as they emerge very late in spring. They bloom in summer and require no special care. They tolerate some drought due to the tap root but will grow faster and flower more in a richer moister soil. Darling for the rock garden or front of the border and loved by pollinators.




Hosta Leather Sheen

By Zillis/Lohman – 1988

Isn’t hybridizing amazing? This is a cross between Sum and Substance and Venusta.  This small hosta can form patches but remains low growing. The pointy leaves are very dark green, one of the darkest of any hosta, and very shiny. They have a nice heavy substance, like leather, that resists snail damage. Lavender bells appear in July.


Hosta Junior Miss

By Klehm – 1999

This cute reverse sport of Sitting Pretty stays fairly small; about 15 inches wide and 8 inches tall. The lance shaped and slightly wavy, dark green leaves have a wide, creamy gold margin. It is a vigorous grower with lavender flowers.


Hosta June

‘June’ is a ‘Halcyon’ sport and has lovely gold centered leaves with wide blue-green margins and excellent pest resistance and substance. The plant was discovered in TC and introduced by the British company Neo Plants in 1991. It is more apt to hold its color in cooler climates but may fade where it is warmer. It is one of the last hostas to go into dormancy. Flowers are lavender. The sports from ‘June’ include: ‘Kiwi Gold Star’, ‘May’, ‘English Sunrise’ (Prev. all gold). ‘Remember Me’ (white-centered), and ‘Touch of Class’ (tetraploid form). There is some debate about whether there is more than one sport being sold under the ‘June’ name. Certainly the plant responds to the season and to the prevailing light conditions very readily.



Hosta Country Mouse

By Hans Hanson – 2007

Country Mouse is a really cute sport of Bill’s Dress Blue that was developed in Minnesota. It is a miniature hosta that gets no taller than 3 inches. It has a heart shaped blue/green leaf with a white edge. The 15 inch tall scapes of lavender flowers appear in mid-summer and are loved by hummingbirds. Great for rock gardens, containers and woodland paths. It is a good grower and the leaves are on the thick side so they aren’t bothered as much by slugs or sun scald.



Daylily Valley Monster

By L.K. Powell – 1983

This 33 inch tall dormant, tetraploid has a big, yellow, 9 inch flower.  It is a mid-season bloomer that reblooms in the late season.  It’s not registered as such but it does have a red blush on the ends of the petals that blends inwards, and has a bright green throat.  The cinnamon blush can be darker or more pale and sometimes the petals curl back so much that you may not notice it unless you view it from the side.

Parentage:  Monster x Hudson Valley



Daylily Tech Colors

By Murphy, 2011

This flower is a brightly colored tangerine orange with a bold reddish purple eye.  It is classified as a cascading unusual form and it is 41 inch

es tall with a 7 inch flower.  It is a semi-evergreen, tetraploid which starts blooming mid-season and has an extended bloom. Bud count is 18 on 3 branches.

Parentage:  ((Isle of Dreams x Tet. Coral Crab) x Fish Face)



Daylily Summer Flair

By Russell – 1962

A rich velvety red 3.5 inch flower is held atop a 30 inch scape. There is a diamond dusted sheen that has an almost purple hew that grows deeper  towards the gold/green throat.  This plant is a dormant, diploid that is a very good grower and blooms mid-season but then re-blooms until frost.


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