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Tag: Miniature Dwarf Bearded

Iris MDB Alpine Lake

By A & D Willcott – 1981

This little darling grows to about 12 inches and will form nice clumps. The white standards have a slight blue tinge with pale light blue falls and a pale blue beard. It won awards in 1983, 1986 and 1989.

Parentage:  (Carousel Princess x Gunga Din) x Greenlee GX-11)


Iris MDB Navy Doll

By Brown – 1968

Iris Navy Doll is a miniature dwarf bearded iris and just too cute. At only 5 inches tall she has a Ivory self with a large dark navy blue spot on the falls and a creamy yellow beard. Navy Doll is one of the first to bloom.

Parentage:  ((Fairy Flax x Drop O’ Blue) x (Wee Turque x Sulina))



Iris Bumblebee Deelite

By Norrick – 1986

Iris Bumble Bee Delight

Iris Bumblebee Deelite

Miniature tall bearded iris (MTB); these are about 18 inches tall with 3 inch flowers.  Culture is just as for tall bearded iris.  This selection produces light yellow standards that are veined with purple at the base and dusky-purple falls that have a narrow yellow margin; elegant.


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