By Joiner – 1991

Jan’s Twister is an unusual form daylily that will really have your garden visitors stopping to say “Wow, what’s that!” She has huge peach flowers with a large green throat, that are 11 ½ inches on top of 28 inch scapes.  She could maybe be called a spider but the petals are wider at the base and they curl fold and twist in crazy directions so that no two flowers are really alike. She is an evergreen diploid that blooms early to mid-season with good re-bloom for such a large flower. Jan preforms well here in Wisconsin. This daylily won the AHS award of merit in 1997, the 2000 Lambert/Webster Award for the best Unusual Form daylily and the Lenington All American Award in 2003.  The Lenington award is for outstanding performance in diverse climates.

Parentage: (Jean Wise × Kindly Light)
