By Baker – 1972

daylily-ruffled-apricot1This fragrant, golden apricot beauty is the same color all the way down into the throat which is a little unusual. The accents are subtle; a lavender pink mid-rib that is really interesting, and I love the diamond dusting. She really grabs your attention with her wide, round, ruffled blooms that are 7 inches across and held on 28 inch scapes. An early mid-season, dormant, tetraploid; this daylily has nice heavy substance which is why the bloom is extended.  Sometimes the flowers even look okay the next day. She looks really nice with a lighter peach daylily.  I have her with Ming Snow. This daylily has won many awards, most notably the 1982 Stout Silver Medal award.

Parentage: (sdlg × Northbrook Star)
