This Lupine is native to western Canada and north western US. It was hybridized by Russell in the 1930’s by crossing with other species to get a wide range of colors, the Russell lupine is not the same as the plant that I have.  The selection that I’m offering is mainly purple, but I occasionally get different shades of pink. Lupines prefer cool moist conditions, full sun to part shade. The flower spikes are 3-4 feet tall, rising above a cluster of compound palmate leaves.  This plant is perennial and can live for many years in the right conditions. Although they do need moisture, they do best in a sandy soil. Here’s another benefit of the lupine; because they are in the pea family they fix nitrogen and can improve dry sandy soils. Some say that these plants don’t transplant well. I find this to be untrue. Small plants do very well as long as they are watered frequently after planting.  Lupines are poisonous to livestock, but this is a benefit to those of us living in the woods, since deer won’t touch them. Lupines flower in response to day length which is why they bloom earlier, the farther north you are…interesting.

One order consists of multiple one year old plants or one two year old plant.  You may specify which you prefer.
